The Russell Kirk Center’s
25th Anniversary Campaign
enlivening The Permanent Things for rising generations
Founded in 1995, the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal is a unique residential library and conference facility situated on the ancestral property of Russell Kirk in Mecosta, Michigan. It was here that Dr. Kirk wrote his influential books, welcomed students for weekend seminars, and hosted research fellows from around the world. Building upon the scholarship of Dr. Kirk and these organic practices, the Kirk Center’s mission is to strengthen the intellectual formation of each generation in the principles and institutions that nurture America’s civil social order.
Over the course of twenty-five years, the Center’s core programs—seminars, residential fellowships, and publications—have provided the ideal conditions for thousands of students and professionals to deepen their understanding of Western civilization and the American experience within it. These programs invigorate our common cultural heritage of learning, faith, and ordered liberty and promote imaginative renewal too.
This year, the Center is launching a 25th anniversary campaign to raise $250,000 towards its operating and program expenses. The majority of the Center’s annual revenue comes from generous donors and the Center would not exist without their commitment to the Permanent Things. We ask you to consider joining one of the Kirk Center’s new donor member Circles to sustain the historic place and vital programs of the Russell Kirk Center–the home of the conservative intellectual tradition in America.
Watch our 25th Anniversary Virtual Gala
Our virtual gala was streamed live from the Russell Kirk Center on October 21, 2020, and includes a walking tour of Russell Kirk’s personal library led by Center President Annette Kirk and co-founder Jeff Nelson. The Virtual Gala also includes a presentation from noted historian and Senior Fellow of the Kirk Center, George Nash.
Support Our 25th Anniversary Campaign
In this 25th year, we invite you to join with us to conserve and enliven those enduring norms and principles which Dr. Kirk called the Permanent Things. Please consider a gift as a member of one of the following Circles. Each Circle illustrates an example of the educational programs to which it contributes.
All donors will receive our twice-yearly print newsletter, Permanent Things, as well as a monthly email update from Annette Kirk. As a token of our appreciation, Circle members will also receive an associated gift which is only available through the Kirk Center. Please know that when your annual contribution reaches the next donor level, we will automatically add your name to that Circle and mail you the associated benefits.

For gifts from $250-500
provides for a student visit to the Center
Receive our gift of the new ebook of five Kirk essays, only for Center donors.

For gifts from $500-2,500
sponsors a residential Fellowship
Receive the ebook plus a 25th anniversary bookmark. Based on Russell Kirk’s personal bookplate, this leather bookmark is handmade by a bookbinder in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

For gifts from $2,500-5,000
hosts a weekend seminar
Receive all previous level’s gifts, plus a recognition certificate and inclusion in the Kirk Center’s End Of Year Report.

For gifts from $5,000-25,000
supports a panel discussion on campus
Receive all previous level’s gifts, as well as a copy of The Roots of American Order, signed by Annette Kirk.

For gifts above $25,000
sustains the library building and resources
For an extraordinary donation of $25,000, all of the above Circles’ benefits. In addition, your name will be inscribed on a plaque to be displayed in the Russell Kirk library.
Become a Circle Member
The Russell Kirk Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization and contributions are tax-deductible.
Please know that when your annual contribution reaches the next donor level, we will automatically add your name to that Circle and mail you the associated benefits.
We encourage check, ACH banking, or wire transfers. Checks may be mailed to P.O. Box 4, Mecosta, MI 49332. For our banking information to make an ACH contribution or wire transfer, please contact us at info@kirkcenter.org or 231-972-5590.
To participate in the 25th anniversary campaign by including the Russell Kirk Center in your estate planning, please visit the Russell Kirk Legacy Society page here.
The Kirk Center’s financials and recent IRS Form 990 are available at GuideStar.